Jaclyn Moriarty is a Goddess. Did you get that from the title? One can only hope.
For example, she likes Arcade Fire and animals. & she wrote these groovy novels.
For example, she likes Arcade Fire and animals. & she wrote these groovy novels.
Feeling Sorry for Celia, The Year of Secret Assignments, and The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie are my three favorite teen books (surpassing even The Confessions of Georgia Nicolson - if that can be believed!) and are definitely in my top ten favorite books of all time. Seriously. They're So. FAB. & I have to have to have to read The Ghosts of Ashbury High - the next one, eh?
Anyways. You guys. The books are crazy funny (very dry and snarky, and you catch yourself grinning madly after particularly funny parts) and intriguing, with fab plots, sexy/adorable/hilarious boys, and really fantastic relatable girls that you just REALLY want to become best friends with. Like if I knew how many times my subconscious wished Elizabeth, Christina, Emily, Lydia, Cassie, Bindy, and Astrid were real (okay, and that I went to Ashbury...in Australia...okay, so it's a stretch.)...I can bet it would be a ridiculously high number. (How'd that sentence do ya? Has your brain recovered yet from what an awful sentence that was? Mine definitely hasn't!) Oh AND. they're written in epistolary form. Meaning in all written things - like memos, letters, journal entries, etc...similar to Georgia, non? But even more fab. Aah! You just don't even know how excellent they are.
PLEASE read them. You'll love them. & when you do...do tell - which boy do you love most? I can never decide. P.S...Saxon doesn't count, although his name is seriously sexy. And he does have his moments. But still.
Enigmatic Jared?
Cutie Charlie?
Severely Sexy SEBASTIAN?! (Love. love. love. that name.)
Equally Sexy SERGIO?! (er...ditto.)
or Fantastic Finn? (what is WITH all these gorgeous names?! Jaclyn Moriarty sure knows how to pick 'em!)
Read and divulge, dears!
Here are some pictures of the books for you, so if you forget the names of them when you're at the bookstore, you can babble helpfully: "pink and green...er...running feet...and like a locker? and a smiley face...you KNOW."

(for more Jaclyn Moriarty love, go to www.jaclynmoriarty.com! Marvy, eh?)
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