Monday, July 16, 2012

Fate is the Hunter

Hey, ho, lyrics.
I'll post the song later, when I can actually be bothered to get the USB cord out of my car.
So, uh, as les bonnes French would say, Voila. Ici. Etc.
Also today = puzzle, cheesy old VHS about Scotland and Wales, and the Season 2 Finale of Sherlock (again)? Ye-es.

Fate is the hunter
He caught up with me on that day last summer
He said, "Your melodies are cheap and you're a bit too tragic."
And I told him he could piss off

He hates a good cliche
He'd rather no one understand what he say
He'll point out that - He is bloody Fate, man
He's not some sorry half-cocked sham

And he deserves a bit more respect these days, he'll say
Everything is blamed on happenstance
So few respect and fear his name these days, he'll say
They won't give me half a bleeding chance

Fate is a famewhore
He says he's naught to be ashamed for
He said, "The public ought to know who's done them in"
He don't deserve the recognition

He's not a nice man
If you can call him that
And I should know
Been stuck with the prat

Fate is a famewhore
He says he's naught to be ashamed for
He said, "The public ought to know who's done them in"
He don't deserve the recognition

We're dealing with a lunatic, my friends
It's best to give him what he wants
So forgive him if he is a prick
It's only what centuries have taught

He thinks he's a god
He may be right
He thinks he's a god
He may be right
He thinks he's a god
He may be right
But we will teach him
to teach us,

He thinks he's a god
He may be right
He thinks he's a god
He may be right
Oh he thinks he's a god
He may be right
But we will teach him
to try to teach us,

He thinks he's a god
He may be right
(fades out).

Erm...the end!

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