Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Italian, and in a suit.

Today's post comes from notre ami at www.thesartorialist.com.  Oui, I know the focus is on the clothes - and truly, they're fantastic.
But what The Sartorialist, being a guy with a wifey type, didn't mention is how flipping lovely the model is.  Oh ohhh my.  An Italian model in a suit.  With a look in his eyes like that? Take me now...bell...o (?).
In unrelated news...
HARRY FREAKING POTTER COMES OUT NOVEMBER 11.  Ooooooooh baby. You can't beat that with a broomstick.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

here's to amore!

You guys.  If this isn't cute I don't know what is.  It reminds me a bit of my grandparents, a bit of UP...it's just VAIR adorable.
I want to be like this when I grow up! 
(Haha minus the piano.  I just want this general air of still being super in love after 62 years together.)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sexy? You bet your pantyhose.

Dears, this is vair random, but...
I LOVE Adrien Brody.  Have since The Village. (Which, well, I love that movie even if no one else does!  Honestly, you guys.  The story is good, beyond the scary movie varnish, and the acting is brilliant.) Even as the poor "village idiot", I loved him.  The man is talented.  And he is So. Sexy.  I don't know what it is. Have ya'll noticed it, though?
He's waaay too old for me, and he's not conventionally handsome by a long shot, yet he oozes sexy.  Not cute, not hot - plain old sexy.
Like he'd look at you and really see you.
Or maybe that's my wishful thinking, romantic side coming through.
Pictures though, oui?


Also, um...unrelated but.
Sung Kang. From Fast Five.  He and Paul Walker make that movie for me. (Like it's SO dumb.  But honestly.  Give me a heart-of-gold ex-bad-guy tearing the rug from under a bully's feet and an adorable Asian sidekick and I will, unfortunately, BUY the freaking movie.) So watch it, k?  And don't hate me when you realize you kinda wasted a couple of hours of your life.  Appreciate and love me for encouraging you to watch Paul Walker and Sung Kang!
A demain, ma coeur.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Well, you just had to know that if James McAvoy was in it...

One of my best friends is a super comic book geek - which is how I've come to have my own fairly impressive knowledge of such things. (To this day, I am still blown away that people don't know about the Dark Phoenix! Like...how?)
X-Men is her favorite of all the Marvel comics, and we used to watch X-Men: Evolution on TV ALL the time when we were younger. (and occasionally now. as college freshmen.) So I went to see X-Men: First Class at the dollar theatre last night with her and a couple of other friends, and here is my verdict:

X-Men: First Class is
And James McAvoy. Oh, my love.

And there is a GINGER.  Well, there you go. I was won over from the start.