Solange's Damn Blog is the rockingest.
And so is her dancing.
And so is her style.
And so is her chain gang.
This is either execution by light or Cyclops reincarnated.
Because club dance parties are too mainstream.
Because I've never wanted to do drugs, but I was curious.
Because everything?
Because Debbie Harry, are you stupid?
Because obviously.
Because that bow + hair is just right to wear with your romper.
Because spring is coming!
Because all you need is great bone structure and owls.
Because I need that hair.
Because there are only two cute insects in the world, and here they are.
Because every girl is a princess! Didn't your father ever tell you that? (And because I need to know you can identify that quote without Google. It's a condition of my love for you guys.)
Because denim.
Because this is the beautifulest.
Because, er, chic.
Because personal style matters.
Because Mia rocks, and this a beautiful shot.
Because I desperately want to see Upstream Color. After this image, dont' you?
Because this is the first film.
Because this is the first picture with a person in it. (And it's PARIS. Duh.)
Because this is the first color photograph,and doesn't it look like a diamond with wings? Now i know what Rihanna was talking about with that whole "diamonds in the sky" song.
Because this is the first ever picture of a tornado.
Because the first selfie ever may be the coolest selfie ever.
Because pink and red DO go together like nobody's bidness.
Because I want to see Stoker. How deliciously creepy is this?
Because too much glamour? No such thing.
Because I'll Casa your Blanca. Because I make stupid jokes. Because this movie is wonderful.
Because Tilda Swinton starred in the chicest music video ever. With David Bowie.
Because I'll Bonnie your Clyde. Because I just can't stop making stupid thirteen-year-old-boy jokes about classic movies, apparently.
Because because.
Because Edie Campbell in London, are you daft?
Because your Monday needs a fresh shot.
Because this looks cozy.
Because obviously.
Because how is this so beautiful?
Because what the cuff? That coat is fabulous.
Because summer.
Because I'm like a bird; I wanna fly away. I don't know where my soul is; I don't know where my home is; I don't know why I'm quoting Nelly.
Because desert circus gypsies OF COURSE.
Because you need the Birkin on a Monday.
Because a horse of course. Two horses of courses.
Aw because love.
Because we live in like, actually the most gorgeous world?
Because ditto.
Because love + butterflies = winning.
Because Fiona Apple will make your Monday better. I promise.
![]() Because I like dat hipster stuff. |
Because I'd rather be here than in the library.
Because Harry Potter is real.
Because, my, what wonderful cat eye you have, grandmother!
Because you're gonna swagger through this day like you're Elle Fanning in the primest example of sweater porn. (I mean, check out the color and texture on that sucker.)
Ya'll have a good day now, ya HEAH?
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