New shoes, dears. $20 bucks from Urban Outfitters. You like?
Wore them today with pegged skinnies, a blue oxford, and schoolgirl-ish hair.
I'm definitely not wearing them again til I can get those low cut socks though...I have blisters now like nobody's business! & it's slightly self-defeating to wear, you know, this cute outfit and then limp like a beggar. Unless, of course, I can find some boy on campus who has a particular thing for limping girls. Which would
Then news: some kid in my Humanities class told me today that...there's talk of an H&M store in Utah! Sound the hallelujah chorus, baby. (& stand while it plays, because King George did...lavish the praise on my Humanities class for that tidbit of information, too, dears.)
And if even that isn't scintillating enough to catch your interest...Then voila!
Groovy music for the very awesome.
It's fairly long but also fairly fantastic.
Oh Tabby you crack me up!! love you!!